Online information session with tax expert Arif Hamid, Heidelberg. Bring your questions, comments and concerns about U.S. personal income tax, issues or about filing requirements for U.S. persons living abroad, and have t hem answered by an experienced U.S. tax advisor, including recommendations on how to keep your taxes to a minimum. In addition, you are invited to share your own knowledge and experiences with other participants. Parents of U.S. children are particularly encouraged to attend: Find out about valuable U.S. tax benefits that may be available for you.
In English
Location: Online
Admission: free
Pre-registration required. Please contact to reserve your place. One week before the event you will receive all relevant handouts via e-mail as well as instructions on how to participate.
For further dates feel free to check the website of the DAI Heidelberg:
An event organized by the DAI Heidelberg in cooperation with the d.a.i.