Lade Veranstaltungen

Get to know each other whilst playing games and answering questions about gaming. You don’t believe in love (or friendship) at first sight but you get excited when speaking English while sharing your passion for video games with like-minded people? Join our “speed-dating” event to chat about gaming and meet your match! Throughout the whole d.a.i. and NeckarHUB you get to talk about your favorite topic: GAMES and U.S. culture! Find people that share your views and interests regarding gaming and build long-lasting friendships once a season at the d.a.i.

Speed Dating is a fast and efficient way to get to know new people. Get coupled up with a random person and answer some questions to get to know them as best as you can – but don’t take too long, the time is running. After a couple of minutes, it is time to switch and chat with another person. And you know what makes it even better? You WILL do this while playing digital or board games.

In English

Location: d.a.i. and NeckarHUB (Karlstr. 3, 72072 Tübingen, 1. und 2. OG)

Admission: free, no registration necessary


In cooperation with NeckarHUB and Elysium Gaming Tübingen e.V.