Lade Veranstaltungen

English and Tabletop. Embark on a journey with us full of magic, fantasy creatures, and supernatural powers when playing the legendary Dungeons and Dragons game. You can bring or newly invent your fictional character and strategize with your team how to fight monsters and win quests. Dungeons and Dragons is an American pen and paper roleplay in which the participants take on fictious roles and experience an adventure together through storytelling. The main game materials are pencils and paper.

On the first Thursday every month, join our resident game master Kevin McCarthy for a round of dice and good fun! Whether you’re interested in trying out tabletop games for the first time or you’re a veteran of penand-paper roleplay, you’re welcome to join in the fun of collaborative storytelling.

We are using the Dungeons & Dragons Game Format. No experience or dice required. Just bring your imagination and a smile!

In English

Admission: free

Location: d.a.i. library

With the friendly support of Fantasy Empire and Troll e.V.